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  • What book are you currently working on or have recently released?
    My newest addition to the Tempered Steel Series is a cookbook written in the point of view of Ginny Coalson, matriarch to the Coalson Family. I mentioned in my first book, Whistlin’ Dixie that Ginny was writing a cookbook and fans and readers demanded that I do it, so I did! It will be available in eBook, paperback and a special spiral bound book personally signed through my website.
  • If you could change anything about the book world what would it be and why?
    The piracy. Authors work very hard on their craft and it’s a shame when people steal their work. Most authors hold down full time jobs, have families, or other commitments, and still manage to put out an excellent story.
  • From your own stories are there any particular characters that you think represent you or someone else in your life?
    Funny you should ask! My Tempered Steel Series is about seven brothers and my husband comes from a family of seven brothers, so I took a good trait and a not so good trait from each of them to make up my characters. As far as the heroines, I based these women on the strong, compassionate, sassy and sexy women that I know personally. I’m very lucky to have such great friends.
  • What is the easiest way for new readers to follow you and to stay up to date on your latest work?
    Oh, I’m on just about every social media site and of course, my newsletter on my website gets a reader all this info plus FREE books!
  • What is one of the biggest challenges that you have faced as an author and what did you do to overcome it?
    My biggest issue is still marketing, getting folks to see my books. Social Media and technology is constantly evolving and trying to keep up with it is daunting. I’m not a marketing expert, so I do what I can and enlist the help of others that may know more than I do, to give me some tips.
  • If you had to choose a single genre to read or write for the rest of your life what would you choose and why?
    I’m a total romantic at heart, so romantic comedy would be my genre of choice. The love stories that make you laugh out loud and sigh with happiness at the end are the best!
  • Who is one person that you have always been able to count on when it comes to supporting your writing?
    My daughter without a doubt. She takes care of my financial accounting, BETA reads my work, offers ideas and insights into marketing, and generally is my best friend.
  • How many books do you currently have out on the market?
    I have six of my full contemporary romance novels in the Tempered Steel Series; one novella from the TS Series; two books from my Lustful Trilogy of erotica; my Guilty Pleasures short story in the Pieces of the Heart anthology. and my newest addition to the Tempered Steel Series is a cookbook written in the point of view of Ginny Coalson, matriarch to the Coalson Family.
  • Are you working on any new projects or have anything exciting that you would like to share with us?
    Oh, 2018 is going to be so exciting! I’m delving into the YA genre, paranormal romance, and a romantic comedy, plus a time traveling trilogy!
  • Favorite Holiday?
    Christmas. If Santa was real, my hubby would be the big guy in the red suit. So I guess that makes me the Mrs. Claus.
  • Favorite Authors?
    Authors – Hmm, that’s hard because I have discovered so many new indie authors that are truly gifted. Rosemary Rey has an erotic suspense trilogy that I think, is comparable to Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series. Lexi Blake and Shayla Black have pushed the erotic envelope, so to speak, and allowed all of us to enjoy a little peek into the D/s world. Charlaine Harris built an entire world of vampires, werewolves and fairies in her Sookie Stackhouse series. And Amanda Quick/Jayne Ann Krentz/Jayne Castle, has taken the reader through Regency, Present Day and Futuristic scenarios that all blended together in an ongoing mystery/romance series. And then there’s Nora Roberts, who has such a flare for storytelling that she simply looks at the paper and it’s a bestseller!
  • Plotter or pantser?
    Mostly pantser. I have an idea in mind, how I want it to evolve, but the story and characters have a mind of their own. I love having a little of both. Keeps me focused on the task, but allows my imagination to go wild.
  • What’s your sign?
    I’m a Gemini. Which is good. I get to have it both ways. LOL
  • Hottest Actor you swoon over?
    What actor? Oh that’s easy! Joe Manganiello. He’s tall, dark and incredibly handsome. He’s also not a pretty boy; he looks like he could handle just about anything and then come home to remind a woman what she loves about being his woman. lol
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
    Absolutely! I think there is absolutely no reason why the heart and soul can’t recognize their perfect mate. I’ve been married to my husband for 30 years. We met in high school. And I said, heart and soul, not sexual organs. lol
  • For your man - Briefs, boxers?"
  • Favorite body part of the opposite sex?
    Favorite Body part? Well, I’m a heterosexual female who writes romance novels with an erotic twist, what do you think? lol Actually, the first thing I notice about the opposite sex is the face. Specifically, eyes. I really don’t take note of the color, but, if there are laugh lines and kindness radiates from the depths.
  • Do you have a bucket list? What is on it?
    Bucket List – I want to learn to belly dance because I think it’s an imaginative dance that has spanned centuries. I also want to visit Europe – Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Greece, the UK. But more than anything, I want to know that at the end of my days, I can relive those memories and go peacefully, content that I tried my damnedest to not just exist, I lived.
  • Favorite go to drink?
    Coffee laced with vanilla caramel creamer or a caramel macchiato
  • Vanilla or Chocolate?
    I like a twist of both best. See? Gemini at work. We are talking ice cream, right? If not, I guess the same applies *wink*
  • What’s the deal breaker for you in a relationship?
    An absolute no-no is cheating. I don’t see a need for it. You’re not happy, tell the person you are in a relationship with. Either work through it, or move on. It’s the respectful thing to do. Cheaters diminish the relationship, make themselves and the other person feel bad, and are more likely to cheat again because I believe they aren’t looking for the perfect mate, but trying to find someone to fill the void in their own broken self esteem.
  • Facial hair or clean shaven?
    Depends on the man, but usually some facial hair.
  • What was the first romance book you read?
    First romance novel was Flame and the Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss. It’s still one of my favorites. She mixed romance with suspense, family and humor. I was hooked at thirteen. Then came the Wolf and the Dove and I found the love of descriptive history mixed with romance. I’ve loved historical romance ever since.
  • Do you have any unusual writing habits:
    Other than channeling my characters and yelling at my husband? lol Not really. I do the dancing thing a lot, especially when I’m stuck. In the past, I would close my eyes to try and picture the scene, but I usually just fell asleep and I’d wake up when I cracked my head on the keyboard.
  • What's the best advice you've ever received:
    Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty and you’ll have a happy marriage. (my grandma on my wedding day)
  • If you could meet any four authors (living or dead), who? & why?:"
    Alexander Dumas – his stories are full of swashbuckling adventure and romance Jane Austen – she gave a woman’s perspective when it wasn’t socially acceptable to do so. Jayne Ann Krentz – because she is my all time fave author. She has humor, romance, suspense in every book. And she does it like a time traveler! Any of the authors of the Bible – because that would be cool.
  • What is your least favorite part about writing:
    When I Can’t find the words to pull that emotion out of my characters. It’s so frustrating! No matter what I put down on paper, it sounds like crap and I wonder why I’m even bothering, I can’t write, I’m a horrible fake, Nobody likes me; everybody hates me; I’m going to eat a worm…(Yeah, I throw a little pity party, complete with tequila, hence, the worm)
  • Would you give yourself any advice from when you first started writing to how far you've come now:
    Start promoting yourself before you even start to promote your book. Join the readers’ groups on Facebook, Yahoo, Good Reads, etc. Make friends and fans so that you will have the support when that first book is published. I just wrote it and put it out there….totally naïve. But it worked for me. I think God took pity on me and sent me a wonderful group of new friends and fans to help me out.
  • Do you have a fav character or quote from any of your books you can share with us:
    My favorite character is Dixie from Whistlin’ Dixie. She’s quite a spitfire! I wish I was that outspoken and strong. And yet she’s vulnerable and innocent at the same time. It was such fun writing her scenes with Mac. I’d get so worked up, my husband would come home and I’d be spitting mad at men in general. He’d just shake his head and tell me to let him know when Dixie left the house. lol
  • Tell us about yourself:
    See? This is the hard question. I think I’m normal, but I guess it depends on who you ask. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 30 years; I have two wonderful children who are practically perfect in every way; I’m doing what I love to do as my career – and yet, by the dark of the night, when the moon is full, I have an irresistible urge to break into mausoleums and…..
  • What is your favorite part about writing:
    I LOVE that moment when it all comes together. When I can look at something I wrote and know, in my heart, “yep, that’s it. That’s exactly what I was trying to convey.” So often, I feel like no matter how good my book seems to be, I can always find something that I would do different, or add to, or whatever. Of course, that’s usually after I’ve hit “publish”.
  • What is your inspiration for writing?
    Life. The news, a song, a conversation in an airport – anything and everything can get the creative juices flowing, so to speak. Although I listen to classical music when I write, I get most of my dialogue ideas dancing around, listening to music. I find a song that reflects what I’m trying to express or sets a scene, and away I go!
  • Out of all your books/series, which has been your favorite to write so far:"
    My favorite isn’t even published as yet. It’s romantic erotica. It’s about a 40 something woman who is dumped by her husband for not being “enough”. She enlists the aid of a Dom in Residence to assess her sexual prowess. Throughout their “exercises”, she discovers the sensual woman that only he can bring out in her. It’s aptly called, “The Critique.”
  • What four items do you always have in your fridge or pantry?
    milk, coffee, popcorn, peanut butter
  • Did you have a specific inspiration for this book?
    The series, Tempered Steel, revolves around the efforts of one family to rebuild their community after a devastating flood. I know just how horrific a flood can be to a small town like Grafton, Illinois. My friends and family lived through the Mississippi River Flood of 1993 in Grafton. I saw the pictures on the news and heard the stories from other family members, but unless you are actually there, you just can’t fathom that type of destruction. It gave me the idea for this series, and Whistlin’ Dixie is the first book. So what better setting than a town than had actually endured it and rebuilt to become bigger and better.
  • What are you currently reading?
    My TBR list is sooo long, but I try to read something new at least once a week. Currently, I’m reading Uncover Me by Chelle Bliss. It’s the latest in her Men of Ink series and I absolutely love it!
  • If you could have a dinner party and invite four authors, living or dead, any genre, who would you invite and why?"
    Alexander Dumas because his classics never go out of style; Cali MacKay because she’s my friend and I’d like a buddy there; Mark Twain because I love the way he looks at the little things in life; and Luke, from the Bible, to get the real scoop.
  • Is there anything else you would like readers to know?
    Book Two of the Tempered Steel series is set for release on Feb 28 th , 2015. Here’s an overview: Sam Coalson, ex-Navy Seal, has returned to Grafton for the wedding of his brother. After being run out of town fifteen years ago for a crime he didn’t commit, he’s determined to claim what is rightfully his and take on anyone crazy enough to try and stop him. Angel Devereaux is smart, sexy and definitely on Sam’s blacklist. After siding with Sam’s enemy fifteen years ago, Angel can’t help but wonder what if….what if Sam had never left? What if he could forgive her now? She had her reasons, but he won’t listen. So enough with words, sometimes action is exactly what’s called for.
  • Are there any new authors who have captured your interest?
    Of course! It just depends on the genre. Rosemary Rey’s Bound series is erotic romance with suspense. C. C. Cartwright’s My Mr. series is sexy fun contemporary romance.
  • What books by other authors have influenced your life?
    The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss was the first romance book I ever read (fairytales don’t count!). It remains my favorite. Every time I thought my world was bad, I’d escape into the book. I love Amanda Quick, Jayne Ann Krentz, Julia Quinn, Lexi Blake and Shayla Black. And I’ve read Charlaine Harris’ “Sookie Stackhouse” books probably a dozen times. Sometimes back to back and I start again! She’s brilliant at bringing an entire new world into our world.
  • Which writer would you consider to be a mentor?
    Cali MacKay. I’ve only been on the horizon for less than six months, but she reached out to me in a message when I first started my facebook page, offering help. We bonded over trading recipes! She’s just a lovely, thoughtful person and I’m blessed to have her friendship. Her writing style is similar to mine so that helps if I need to discuss a situation with her. And her “inspirational man candy” posts are always a hoot!
  • What is the best part of being an author?
    I’m not sure I can pick one part. As a new author, it’s all pretty fantastic. From finding a cover designer, to an editor that said she likes my work and wants to help, to all these fabulous readers who like my page or leave comments and reviews, it’s unbelievable. I wrote Whistlin’ Dixie because the story wouldn’t leave my head and now it’s out there in the real world for everyone. That’s incredible to me.
  • Do you have any hobbies other than reading?
    I love dancing! Unfortunately, my husband doesn’t. So I freestyle it a lot around the house. It’s not unusual for the mailman to catch me bouncing out to just about anything. I love music almost as much as I love books.
  • Did you have a favorite character in the book? Why?
    Well, I’m pretty partial to Dixie. She may be small, but she’s mighty! She is ferocious if she thinks someone is messing with the people she cares about, but she is also insecure in her own self worth. She needs a man who understands that. Someone who will cherish her, boost her self confidence, and keep her safe from her reckless temper.
  • Do you prefer to write books that are in a series, or standalone?"
    Well, they all seem to start out as a standalone and then, BAM, I’ve got to add on or change a situation. One thing leads to another and I’ve got a series, a novella, and soon, a cookbook for Tempered Steel and the Coalson family.
  • Can you tell us about any books you might have in the planning stage?
    Since Tempered Steel is a series and Whistlin’ Dixie is the first book, I’ve got my work cut out for me. There are seven super hot alpha brothers in the Coalson family, and they each deserve their own story, plus maybe a novella to tie in a bit of mystery. Then there is the cookbook. I’ve included a recipe that’s mentioned in the book at the end of story, but since the Coalsons love to eat, well, a cookbook of their favorite recipes mentioned throughout the series is a must! Aside from that, I have a paranormal trilogy involving a sorcerer, a vampire, a werewolf, a fairy, and time travel. Oh, and, I’ve written a trilogy of erotic romance, but I’m thinking I may need to increase it to a series. Those voices in my head keep giving me ideas!
  • When and Why did you begin writing?
    Actually writing the stories in my head down came when I was in middle school, I guess. Before that, I would just make them up in my head and leave them there to bring out at my leisure and add to them. I didn’t have an ideal childhood, so reading and making up stories was a means of escape for me. There wasn’t a lot I could do about my situation as a child, but I could create a better place in my fantasies and writing.
  • Mac-strengths/weakness
    His physical strength was honed from years of hard work, not a gym membership. Emotionally, he feels a deep responsibility to his family and to his community. He will do everything in his power to keep his loved ones safe and his town thriving. His weaknesses are a match with Dixie – he’s stubborn and hot tempered. He loves deeply and faithfully, but also is a bit of a control freak.
  • Debut novel?
    Yes, Whistlin’ Dixie is my first book in The Tempered Steel series.
  • Self-publishing?
    Well, I obviously got a lot of rejections! Some publishers didn’t like the humor; but life is funny! Some didn’t care for an unknown author with a series; others just weren’t interested. So I contented myself with the fact that even though I couldn’t get published, at least I had written it. It sat on my closet shelf for years. I would occasionally get it down and read it all – remind myself that I did this. I raised my kids and when they were standing on their own, they encouraged me as I had encouraged them; to follow the dream. So, I dusted it off and wrote it again, literally. I had a hard copy and floppy disks. I had to rewrite it onto an up to date computer! So I made the changes. My daughter looked into self-publishing and my son took care of all the tech savvy computer stuff that needed to be done. My husband, God love him, did everything from the dishes to acting out scenes with me so I could get the male emotions right. Then, I went through the whole editing and cover design process. I was extremely lucky with that as a friend of a friend knew Kim Killion of HotDamn Designs. They walked me through all of it. Then I figured out how to use Kindle Digital Publishing and voila! I’m a published author! Then there’s marketing and that’s a whole other issue.
  • How it feels?
    Honestly, I cried when I saw it on Amazon for the first time. It still seems surreal to me. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. I mean my work is out there for the world to see and comment on. That’s a scary thought; but when the readers post a positive review, it’s so rewarding.
  • WD conceived?
    Conception was the easy part. My family is from the Grafton, IL area and my husband and I actually lived in Grafton for awhile. Our daughter went to kindergarten at the Grafton School and our son was baptized at St. Patrick’s Church. We moved out of the area in March of 1993, and Grafton began flooding in April of ’93. Watching the devastation on TV and hearing about it from my family was something I will never forget. I got facts and video from the news and the feelings and frustrations of the residents from my family members still there. It just coalesced into Whistlin’ Dixie, but it had to be a romance because I firmly believe in happily ever after. As for the series, well, I just couldn’t tell it all in one book. The characters made me do it!
  • Tempered Steel future?
    Well, I had a rough draft of the entire series finished several years ago. Since technology’s come a long way, I revamped it and decided to add on the younger brothers as well. Each book has its own story, but they are woven together through the suspenseful plot. The characters evolve and change, some for the better, some not so much. The novels will still have humor, but life’s going to get a lot hotter for the characters before the end. It’s a contemporary romance series that rides the line between HEA and erotic suspense. And who knows? Maybe it won’t be limited to the Coalson family. Perhaps some of the minor characters will get their turn in the spotlight. It depends on reader feedback and my own ideas, I guess.
  • Writing habits?
    I turn on music – classical, jazz, pop, or country, and I start thinking about the scene I want to write. I don’t have a set time or a particular schedule, so I guess I’m a pantser. I don’t count words, I just write. As far as the writing space, I have a small secretary desk that I use and a rather uncomfortable old upholstered chair. I keep the chair because the discomfort reminds me to get up and walk around or I’d be glued to the desk all day. It sits near a big window in my living room so I can see the activity of my neighborhood. And squirrels. We have lots of squirrels!
  • Dixie?
    Well, you might think she’s as sweet as southern tea when you look at her, but she’s got a temper to rival Mac’s. And she’s no pushover; she helped her elderly grandfather raise her younger brother, breezed through college in under four years and knows exactly how to bring a man to his knees, if he gets overly friendly on a short acquaintance. But she’s also lived a very sheltered life so she’s not sure what to make of Mac’s attempts at seduction.
  • Cover relating?
    It's actually my daughter and son-in- law's engagement pic. So yep, that's them. He's tall, dark and handsome. She's short, sassy and sweet. Just like Mac and Dixie. The symbolism was perfect - the box she stands on represents the ways to overcome their issues. The old barn in the background, weathered but still standing. The ''00''; represents a tie, or stalemate, where no one wins. And the entire cover like a yellowed photo - Tempered in loss, sorrow and pain yet still precious, cherished, timeless.
    Oh I love interviews! Especially Reading the questions or comments from readers. The connection between writer and reader has become more intimate due to social media. And knowing that there are other fun and naughty folks like me, is awesome! Lol HOW IMPORTANT ARE REVIEWS? They are the backbone for most marketing and advertising monies given to authors. It's like your credit score for authors. They are that important. Little reviews equals little free advertising on Amazon and other sites. The magic number for Amazon is 50 reviews. That's why authors keep the slogan "Read. Review. Repeat". I've been fortunate that my Tempered Steel Series has been well received by bloggers, reviewers, and fans. I think the combination of steamy sex, suspense, and comedy pull in a variety of book lovers.
    The broad genre is romance. I write contemporary romance with an Erotic Edge. My books are steamy, sassy and sexy. Full of women and men not afraid of enjoying themselves sexually. I also mix in humor because life is funny; suspenseful moments that make you cringe, and those turning points in life that make or break a relationship.
    I'm going to answer with groups. The 1001 Nights group of authors includes some of my most revered authors - Lexi Blake, Shayla Black, Alexander Ivy. The Wicked Pens, of which I am a Member, are all talented writers with an immense catalog of erotic romance and erotica novels backed by hours of research. My Lunch Ladies group write a variety of romantic sub genres and I would be honored to collaborate with them on any project.
    Reading became an escape from an abusive childhood for me. I read anything and everything I could get my hands on; spent hours at the library and I would take pencil and paper, sometimes a coloring book and pencils to write and illustrate my stories from the coloring books. As I got older, school was a gift from heaven. I had more books to read in the library and teachers wanted you to Write! Then I discovered romance novels and I knew my calling was to write beautiful stories of overcoming hardships and finding love.
    Well! The above mentioned pics are one way to get my name out there. But I also use my website, my social media sites, and Google, Bing, and Firefox or Safari. If I can have a presence somewhere, I will. I also own my own domain for business purposes. Now as far as personal branding, I go to as many events, meet as many folks as I can, give workshops, seminars and speaking engagements and yes, I bring that lips banner with me. If the clients eyes wander from me, I want them to focus on my logo. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE COOKING IN THE LAB FOR AUTHOR MAGGIE ADAMS? Oh, I'm always cooking up something, darlin'! And speaking of cooking, I'll be putting out my Coalson Family Cookbook of Memories in time for Christmas. In each book of the Tempered Steel Series, I include a little recipe of something the characters were eating in a scene. My fans loved it and asked me to do an entire cookbook of "family" recipes, so I am. As I said earlier, the second book in my "lustful Trilogy" comes out later September 2017, and I've been working on a romantic comedy/women's fiction story about a mousy divorcee who wanders into a BDSM club and tries to adapt to that lifestyle. Sort of 50 Shades meets I Love Lucy. It's called "Minx" and will come out in 2018. I also have to finish the last of the Coalson brothers story, but there's still going to be more from the residents of Grafton, Illinois in the near future. I'm also playing around with a YA series and a paranormal time travel trilogy.
    To me, I want my logo, my avatar and my face to represent my books. I am branding myself as an author of erotic romance books. Here are my main branding photos. The lips logo goes on my timelines, my emails, and my event banners and correspondence. You see those lips, you know it's me, "Mags". It goes on everything author related. This is for pure "Look at me" effect. For those who know nothing about me or my books. Suggestive and brash, you either love it or hate it, but you definitely notice it. But I state the truth - my first book, Whistlin' Dixie, debuted on Amazon's Top 100 for women's fiction - humor. It's a romantic comedy and starts the Tempered Steel Series. It's FREE on all platforms. And if you sign up for my newsletter at, I'll send you my sexy novella, Getting Lucky for FREE as well! This banner shows my author genre and where you can find my books. A simple but effective reminder of what I produce. I use this for releases and special events so folks know I've got something big in this post or page. I use this avatar for all my social media pages so folks know it's me. I rarely change it because branding is about continuity of the brand. I always end my takeovers or raids with this so folks know I was there. It's sassy and a bit naughty. It's me! (Now I've just got to find a classic VW!)
    I've thought about it with the erotica books but I'm too lazy to maintain all the social media sites! lol it's enough for me and my friend, Ebony Simone McMillan to keep my sites and Leather Bound Press up and running. YOU WROTE A BOOK TITLED "LUSTFUL LETTERS". WHAT WAS THIS BOOK ABOUT? I delve into erotica because I'm a very sensual person. Allowing your mind and body to explore sexuality opens you up to a journey of orgasmic adventure. Pun intended! That's what my Lustful trilogy is about. An older woman exploring her pent up sexuality in a variety of ways, starting in chat rooms and venturing into dungeons and beyond. The second book, Lustful Lies continues her exploration, delves into sexual predators, drugs, and Edge play. It's coming out in September
    I started Leather Bound Press with two other authors and a cover designer and promotions group. It was a labor of love for me, not so much the others. I've continued it and still help new authors with coaching, design, and editing.
    The branding I talked about, getting the social media presence, DO IT BEFORE YOU EVER HIT PUBLISH. Join book clubs, book groups and participate. Set up your professional page AWAY from your personal page. Second, write every day. Even if you think it's crap, you can edit later. Just write it. And third, don't let anyone tell you it's too hard to self-publish. They just want your money or to see you fail. You can do this. I did!
    It's a trilogy following her journey with BDSM, ménage, kinksters and predators.
    Just putting it out there and hitting publish was a lifetime goal for me! I'm grateful to God and my fans for every day they give to me as a writer. I want to create stories that have meaning to someone, something they go to for a reread for a laugh, or for comfort during tough times. I guess my future goal is to be able to write full time with my books providing enough income for me and my family. To be able to do something you love and make a living at it, is a personal goal. I'm not really into the labels like NY Times Best seller. It would be nice, but I've known authors that make themselves crazy trying to hit that mark. Not my thing. I want my readers to make me a one click author. That's far more important to me.
  • Tell us about your latest book.
    Each book in the series deals with a different brother, and each brother’s characteristics are different. Well, where Whistlin’ Dixie is light and humorous; Leather and Lace is a bit darker, more erotic. Sam and Angel have a past they need to overcome before they can find love. But like all the Coalson men, Sam is a stubborn pain in the butt. Angel isn’t about to give up, though. She can be as stubborn as Sam when she wants something. And she wants Sam, badly. It’s being released Today! Here’s an overview : Sam Coalson, ex-Navy Seal, has returned to Grafton for the wedding of his brother. After being run out of town fifteen years ago for a crime he didn’t commit, he’s determined to claim what is rightfully his and take on anyone crazy enough to try and stop him. Angel Devereaux is smart, sexy and definitely on Sam’s blacklist. After siding with Sam’s enemy fifteen years ago, Angel can’t help but wonder what if….what if Sam had never left? What if he could forgive her now? She had her reasons, but he won’t listen. So enough with words, sometimes action is exactly what’s called for.
  • Do you ever suffer from writer’s block?
    Perhaps in the broad sense. I will write a scene down, then read it and realize it’s not EXACTLY what I want to say. Then I go through the frustrating process of trying to find just the right words, with just the right actions or tone of voice to capture the scene. It makes me crazy, but it’s the only way I can do it.
  • What kind of music do you like?
    I enjoy almost all types of music. As far as writing goes, when I’m doing edits or working on promotion, I listen to classical. To get ideas or work through a difficult scene, I listen to country, jazz, pop, or hard rock – whatever the scene calls for to get the creative juices flowing.
  • Do you ever want to be someone else? Who?
    No, not really. Skinnier? Yes. Taller? Oh Yes! (I’m 5’1”) Richer? Who doesn’t? But I have been blessed with such an abundance of gifts in my family, my friends, and my career, I can’t think of anyone I would trade places with.
  • What did you do on your last birthday?
    I haven’t had my “last” birthday yet, (I hope)! Actually, we celebrate pretty quietly around here. I enjoy going out to dinner with my hubby, kids and their partners.
  • Describe your dream home.
    I absolutely LOVE old homes. The large rooms, beautiful staircases and ornate woodwork have such character, such craftsmanship. My dream home is actually located in Hannibal, Missouri. It’s called Rockcliffe Mansion. It’s on the National Registry of Historic Places. Here’s a picture:
  • Favorite literary hero or heroine
    I know I should probably say Jane Eyre or something, but honestly, Sookie Stackhouse from Charlaine Harris’ “Dead” series is my all time favorite heroine. She’s smart, sassy, compassionate, kind, and deals with all sorts of characters with calm benevolence.
  • What are you reading now?
    I’m actually proofreading Book Two of my Tempered Steel series, entitled Leather and Lace, before I send it out for formatting. It’s about brother Sam, and his soul mate, Angel. After that, my favorite authors all have books coming out soon so I think it may be eenie, meenie, minee, mo to pick a new one.
  • What’s next for you?
    My Tempered Steel series consists of seven full length novels, two novellas, and a cookbook of all the wonderful food mentioned in the series. I’m going to be pretty busy with all of that. In addition, I have an erotic romance series in the works as well as a paranormal trilogy involving vampires, sorcerers, werewolves, fairies and time travel. Looks like I’m going to be busy for awhile. Now if I could only finish all this before the voices in my head start inventing more stories!
  • What comes first, plot or characters?"
    That depends entirely on where I’m at, what I’m doing or listening to when the inspiration strikes. For the most part, I’d say plot because I’m usually listening to music as I clean or cook and a phrase or a feeling of the music sparks an idea. Most of the time, I can’t even remember what song it was; it’s like the concept just takes control of my head and the story begins to take shape. Other times, I could be waiting at a red light and glance over to see a stranger on the street and the story hits me. When that happens, it usually takes the honking of angry car horns to bring me back to reality!
  • If you could be one of the characters from this book?
    I’d probably say, Miss Maisy. She’s a no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners, kind of old lady who uses her age as an excuse to say whatever the hell she feels. She carries a gun and isn’t afraid to use it. But she has a heart of gold, and if she thinks you’re worth fighting for, she’ll fight to the death for you.
  • Are you plotting bunnies, angels or demons?"
    If you’re a good writer, you’re characters should have a little bit of each in their blood. As to how it all turns out and who’s a bunny, an angel and a demon, well, book three is almost finished. You might find out a little more from that.
  • When did you decide to submit your work?
    It was around this time last year that I decided to give my writing another chance. I had heard so much about self-publishing, but I was hesitant. What if all those rejection letters were right? Maybe I wasn't good enough. Maybe my love of writing was simply a way for me to connect to the books I love to read. I was at a bit of a crossroads in my life, so I prayed about it. (I'm not an 'only when it's truly important, will I ask God for help' type of person. He hears from me, A LOT) His answer literally hit me in the head. As I stated, I had written the series a few years back and kept a hard copy in my closet. Now, I'm not saying the pages fluttered down around me like snowflakes on a winter's day. It was encased in a VERY LARGE three ring binder on the top shelf of my closet. And it fell squarely on top of my head (OUCH!) when I tried to reach for a purse. (I've often thought that God was a wee bit perturbed that I kept asking the same question when I knew the answer. I was just scared.) So, given the Almighty's approval, I girded my loins, which is a fancy term, for puttin' on my big girl panties, and decided to give it one more try.
  • What would I want my readers to know about me?
    I’m very shy when I’m out of my comfort zone. Now, if I’m comfortable, I’ll talk your ear off. It takes me awhile to feel at ease at book signings or events. It’s still so new to me, I’m afraid I’ll do something or say something that will get me banned for life!!
  • Do you outline or just write?
    A little of both. I have a general idea of where I want the story to end up, but the characters do take over and I find little twists and turns in their dialogue that leads me down other paths I hadn’t thought of before.
  • Who is your favorite character in the book and why?
    Again, it’s Miss Maisy. She just sort of “appeared” in my head as I began to write the first scene in the first chapter of Leather and Lace. I knew she couldn’t be a passing fancy character. She was too intimidating for that.
  • Sneak peek into the book?
    Well, you twisted my arm… Laughter and hoots from the crowd mingled with the music from the school band, which continued to play, oblivious to her embarrassment, bringing Sam’s attention back in focus. He glanced up, looking into Angel’s eyes, awash with humiliating tears. The fact that her control was about to shatter, galvanized him into action. With a fierce frown to the crowd, he crossed the space separating them, unzipping his jacket and shrugging out of it. He reached around her, covering her with his jacket and slipping her arms into his sleeves before zipping it up. He gently wiped her tears from her cheeks. “I missed you. I love you.” She whispered those hauntingly beautiful words. He couldn’t help it. He kissed her softly on the lips. “Go get’em Angel, baby.” Then he calmly walked back to the edge of the crowd. She lifted her chin, and with the air of a queen, she finished the dance routine much to the approval of the assembly. Her tearful entreaty had pierced his soul and made him realize all that stood in the way of their love was his pride. His eyes met hers in silent communication. He nodded in acceptance and she smiled, knowing that he had sealed his fate with hers. From now until forever, he was bound to her. Her father could go to hell.
  • Anything to add?
    The Tempered Steel series deals with seven brothers and their efforts to save their hometown. I based the heroes on my brothers-in-law and my husband, taking one noble trait and one not-so-noble trait from each. It’s what makes them relatable. For the heroines, I simply looked to the women in my life I admire. As to the villains, well, I’ll just say, if I like you, you’ve got nothing to worry about.
  • What is the best and worst advice you’ve ever received?
    Worst – from a rejection letter – “I suggest you limit your novels to a specific subgenre of romance rather than trying to infuse the story with humor, suspense, and romance. Pick one and write from there.” Yeah, dumb down your story to only include one genre, because in real life, folks don’t have all that going on at the same time – PLEEEEZ! Best – from my grandmother on my wedding day. I find it works in books and in life – “Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty and you’ll do all right.” I think that’s pretty self-explanatory.
  • Future plans?
    Well, Tempered Steel started out as a trilogy, then became a series, and now fans want to know more about the inhabitants of Grafton. I’m going to be busy with the good folks of Grafton for awhile. I also have an erotic romance series on the back burner. Real women, real men, with all their faults and scars trying to find their way in a world that doesn’t understand or condone BDSM or D/s. And, if that’s not enough, I’ve also got a paranormal trilogy featuring sorcerers, vampires, werewolves, witches and a forgotten fairy princess that’s convinced she’s human. And just to add an extra twist, I have to throw in a time travel sequence to make the reader’s eyes cross!
  • Who or what inspired you to write?
    I learned to read at the age of four. My childhood wasn’t the greatest, and like many other authors and readers, I could escape in a book. As I grew older, I found I didn’t want the stories to end, so I would make up even more adventures. Then, I began making up my own stories, twists on life events, or stories of strangers I saw on the street. In 1993, the Mississippi River overflowed it’s banks near Grafton, Illinois. I had just moved with my family from Grafton, so the pictures and stories of the flood hit home. And it gave me an idea…
  • How do you maintain your creativity?
    Listening to music, people watching, news shows, game shows, etc. It all gives me ideas for stories or characters.
  • Fun Fact #2:
    The Cover - It's actually my daughter and son-in-law's engagement pic. So yep, that's them. He's tall, dark and handsome. She's short, sassy and sweet. Just like Mac and Dixie. They even have the same coloring. The symbolism was perfect - the box she stands on represents the ways to overcome their issues. The old barn in the background, weathered but still standing. The "00" represents a tie, or stalemate, where no one wins. And the entire cover like a yellowed photo - Tempered in loss, sorrow and pain yet still precious, cherished, timeless.
  • Fun Fact #4:
    Although the cover does not depict an “in your face” eroticism, Whistlin’ Dixie is one hot read. It’s just like life; a good life, anyway. There is romance, humor, suspense, and erotica. It’s a real man and a real woman taking the biggest chance of their lives – to trust another human being with their heart. It’s exactly what I have in my life – and exactly what I wish for my children and their mates. It’s a crazy journey, but, whoa, what a ride!
  • Fun Fact #3:
    Mac-strengths/weakness – His physical strength was honed from years of hard work, not a gym membership. Emotionally, he feels a deep responsibility to his family and to his community. He will do everything in his power to keep his loved ones safe and his town thriving. His weaknesses are a match with Dixie – he’s stubborn and hot tempered. He loves deeply and faithfully, but also is a bit of a control freak. Dixie – strengths/weaknesses - Well, you might think she’s as sweet as southern tea when you look at her, but she’s got a temper to rival Mac’s. And she’s no pushover; she helped her elderly grandfather raise her younger brother, breezed through college in under four years and knows exactly how to bring a man to his knees, if he gets overly friendly on a short acquaintance. But she’s also lived a very sheltered life so she’s not sure what to make of Mac’s attempts at seduction.
  • Fun Fact #1:
    The setting for Whistlin’ Dixie is Grafton, IL . My family is from the Grafton, IL area and my husband and I actually lived in Grafton for awhile. Our daughter went to kindergarten at the Grafton School and our son was baptized at St. Patrick’s Church. We moved out of the area in March of 1993, and Grafton began flooding in April of ’93. Watching the devastation on TV and hearing about it from my family was something I will never forget. I got facts and video from the news and the feelings and frustrations of the residents from my family members still there. It just coalesced into Whistlin’ Dixie, but it had to be a romance because I firmly believe in happily ever after. As for turning it into a series, well, I just couldn’t tell it all in one book. The characters made me do it!
  • How do you approach a sex scene?
    With a glass of wine and a cigarette for after! Just kidding! I let the characters decide. I know that may sound cliché’, but as the characters unfold, so does the chemistry and it just takes flight. Sexual fantasy!
  • How do you maintain activity as a writer sitting all day?
    Actually, as a new author, I still have a day job so I’m pretty active all day. I own a daycare, so the little ones keep me hopping! I do most of my writing at night and on the weekends.
  • What is it that you loved about characters in story?
    I love that my female lead is strong. She loves her family and will show it. I also love my male lead because despite his alpha male ego, he shows his softer side with honor and responsibility to his family, friends and community.
  • Tell us about your first book
    Whistlin’ Dixie is full of fun, laughter and a sexy ever after. It’s a contemporary romance with subtle undertones of suspense and erotica. I believe readers can relate to the characters, they are not perfect, they are flawed and insecure. Mac Coalson wants to rebuild his hometown after a devastating flood and he’s hampered by vandals. Dixie Harris is the new schoolteacher with a hot temper. Her brother is accused of the vandalism and she blows into the police station like a tornado. It’s a not-so-cute meeting, but no one can deny the attraction. But misunderstandings and fear make their relationship rocky to say the least. It takes the entire town to bring them together, but the vandal is determined to keep them apart – and he’s not afraid to use whatever means necessary to do it.
  • What’s your story heat level?
    I guess that depends on what a person feels is hot! There’s definitely an erotic edge to Whistlin’ Dixie, the chemistry is intense and the sex scenes are definitely on fire! Whistlin’ Dixie rides the edge between contemporary romance and erotic romance.
  • What are some things from your life that infused in stories?
    Haha! This is easy! I grew up in the Grafton, IL area, which is the setting for my series! Plus, my husband is one of seven brothers and I picked a particular quality of each brother to emphasize in my series.
  • If you had unlimited budget, where would I visit for story?"
    I would love to visit Scotland! It’s in my blood! And all those handsome men in kilts…….whew! Is it hot in here?!
  • What do you feel is your strongest type of writing?
    Life is hard so I like to provide humor whenever possible. Sex can be funny, loving, messy and truly romantic if it’s written well.
  • Any fun facts about the research?
    Well, I knew I needed a cover, and while I was researching that, my friend was busy taking engagement pics of my daughter and her fiancee’. When I saw the pic of her standing on the box, I just knew it was the one. The barn door background, her, so short, but standing up to him with a sassy grin, yep, that was definitely Dixie’s character. And him, looking down at her, trying to be stern, but he can’t because she’s just so adorable, that was definitely Mac. That gave me the idea to use family, so that what I do on most of my covers – they are family and friends.

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